If you use more than one vehicle for your business you should consider buying a motor fleet policy. Affinity Select can help people that want to buy motor fleet insurance for their business. From a mini fleet of two to four cars and vans to larger fleets of vehicles of 30 or more we help customers find the right cover for their business.

We provide a fully advised broking service which encompasses the whole of market, including Lloyds. For established fleets we can work from a three or five year confirmed claims experience from your existing insurers and vehicle and driver list.

We will need to know the names of all your drivers and details of any convictions that they have had, including the date of the convictions, type of conviction e.g. SP30 and any fine levied. We also need to know what date your drivers passed their test and in what country they qualified to drive. We will also need to know where the vehicles are kept overnight, the names and address of the business and what the vehicles will be used for.

For new fleets we will need to know the same information plus a bit of history about the drivers and the vehicles. For new startups looking for a mini fleet policy we can sometimes use the business owners proof of bonus from their private car to reduce premiums.

We can also provide cover for cherished and vintage vehicles.

We are able to offer cover for single vans and cars, however we will not be particularly competitive in this area. The reason customersuse us in these circumstances would be because they are looking for a personalised service rather than a cheap premium.

Call Affinity Select Insurance Services on 01825 745410 for help and advice.

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